Jin Sei Ryu Karate-Do Chicago teaches karate classes in Chicago led by Sensei Amy Jones (4th degree black belt) and Senpai Kyren Epperson (3rd degree black belt) as a part of our Rogers Park-based business, Culture of Safety. We are proud to be a part of the Jin Sei Ryu™ Karate-Do international family. We offer classes in karate to kids (age 4+) and adults of all ages and stages.

How is Culture of Safety’s karate program different?

At Culture of Safety, we know that people come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. We believe and are committed to the principle that each person gets to practice karate with the body they have –not the body they (or someone else) wishes they had. We recognize that size is not necessarily an indicator of fitness; fitness looks different for each body.  We know that karate may look different in people with different abilities, but that karate can be for everyone, and for every body!

Our Approach to Karate

Our approach to prioritizes each person as a whole.  Each person’s path is unique, and in keeping with the meaning of Jin Sei Ryu, we strive to support our students on a path of continued growth.  You can start where you are right now, today.  Who knows where your path might lead you?

As part of our commitment to inclusivity and diversity, we teach from a body-positive and trans-positive perspective. We give feedback based on the person in front of us, and try to avoid assumptions of anyone’s fitness level, gender, or biological sex. Our goal is to create a space where people of all genders and gender expressions, with all kinds of bodies, feel welcome to explore a path in karate.

We teach from the heart, with joy and enthusiasm. In a Culture of Safety-run karate class, you will never run out of challenges, but you will always have a community at your back as you face these challenges. Whatever your age, whatever your fitness level, we’re here to help you find your strongest, most confident, and most empowered self.

Born during the pandemic, we have been offering remote karate classes as well as in-person karate classes in Chicago since we started.  We also have a limited number of private sessions available.

Ready to get started?  Contact us below!